On Cover Article
The Importance of a Personal Mid-Year Check-Up
Ty Howard

The Importance of a Mid-Year Check-Up - On Cover Feature Article on MOTIVATION magazine by Ty Howard

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People have many valid reasons for why they feel the need to make resolutions. This feeling is brought on when people find themselves in a rut or in need of new development and growth in their life, be it financially, health-wise, at work, at home, or in their relationships. Most people feel that a new year offers a fresh start in their lives. Writing a list of the resolutions you would like to make is a lot easier than actually following up on and accomplishing these resolutions.

Writing a single long list of all your resolutions only takes you a short time. However, this does not provide you with a thorough and conscious way to make a full personal life check. To make consistent successful strides in your growth journey, you must use a process that works. You can only do so by making sure that you conduct a Personal Mid-Year Check-Up.

A Personal Mid-Year Check-Up is a self-evaluation process conducted in July or August each year. When done correctly, your Mid-Year Check-Up will let you know how you performed the first half of the year and aide you in identifying your goals and necessary action steps to work on throughout the second half of the year. Scheduling a Personal Mid-Year Check-Up is very important because it ultimately provides you with a fresh starting point for your second wind and boost of motivation as you continue working on your plan of action for the year.

To make your Mid-Year self-evaluation less daunting and achievable, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic period, you should break down the areas you need to change in your life and work on these areas individually. Here are five areas for you to use as your guide on your Personal Mid-year Check-Up checklist:

Personal Goals

Setting and accomplishing personal goals gives your life purpose and direction. These goals can have a significant impact on your life, be it Career goals, Fitness goals, Health and Wellness goals, or Financial goals. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, setting goals will help bring structure in your life and help you avoid sitting idle, or wasting your time and resources on unnecessary things.

Personal Development

Writing down the areas in your life that need development will help you make better financial and self-improvement decisions. With better financial and self-improvement decisions, this will help you achieve goals like buying a house, buying a car, going back to school, finding a job, and becoming a better person, etc.

Personal Health and Wellness

If you desire to work on your health and fitness, writing down your goals in this area is vitally important. Keeping a diary of your physical activity and tracking your eating habits will guide you in making the right changes for a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Personal Finance Management

Warren Buffett once told a Florida University audience while speaking on the importance of practicing good financial habits, "Most behavior is habitual, and they say that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

We are our habits, good or bad. Bad personal finance habits are the most destructive to our quality of life and long-lasting. Good personal finance habits include creating and sticking to a budget, avoiding high-interest debt, saving for a rainy day, and investing regularly. From this point forward, write down and keep track of your spending habits, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, when people are working from home, and job security is not guaranteed. Positively managing your finances will also help you avoid impulse spending and going into debt.

Personal Growth

It's crucial when setting resolutions or goals to take into consideration your personal growth. Taking care of your mental, physical, and social health should never be overlooked. The state of your mental, physical, and social health determines your overall outlook and quality of life. How you see, feel, engage, and experience the world stems from your personal growth.

If you're 'ripe and dying' in your personal growth, the world appears to you as being filled with gloom and doom. If you're 'green and growing' in your personal growth, the world is filled with opportunities for new personal growth even during uncertain and emotionally exhausting current events.

Scheduling and completing a Personal Mid-Year Check-Up within the next ten days will provide you with a current and up-to-date roadmap to improve the vibrancy and quality of your life moving forward. It will help you judge whether the steps you have taken are helping you achieve your goals and live your best life regardless of age, gender, current circumstances, or desired outcomes.


Hi! If you're a person who already conducts a Personal Mid-Year Check-Up, what is one method you use to keep yourself confident, motivated, focused, and productive during the second half of the year? Our MOTIVATION Readers would love to read about and learn from you on this topic, too. Please feel free to share your experience and input by commenting below. Thank you in advance for sharing.

About the Author:  Ty Howard,
Founder, CEO and Editor in Chief of MOTIVATION magazine

Ty Howard is an organizational development consultant and executive and manager development coach. He's an internationally recognized authority on personal, professional, relationships and success habits development. He is the creator and lead facilitator of the trademarked Untie the Knots® Process, and the author of the best-selling book Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life: A Practical Guide to Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, as well as dozens of published articles on relationships, healthy habits development, empowerment and peak performance worldwide.


For information on the author click on the following link:  Ty Howard.


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