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Six Sentences That Can Improve Your Attitude at Work by Ty Howard – [ Article ]

Six Sentences That Can Improve Your Attitude at Work

Six Sentences That Can Improve Your Attitude at Work - Article by Ty Howard

Copyright © 2020 by MOTIVATION magazine. All rights reserved.

The experts call it the most important word – and factor – as far as the results we get from life are concerned. The word is attitude. It is our attitude towards life, and the things we choose to pursue or do that will determine how high we soar or how hard we fall. For example, a person with a poor attitude towards their job is not going to be a peak performer or exceptional employee as long as he or she maintains a negative attitude towards work.

If we take on the attitude that we are not going to perform at our best or everything inside the workplace is a negative experience, then that’s what we’re going to produce as our outcome. A culture filled with attitudes of failure, and we lose before we start.

Here are six sentences that any employee with a negative attitude can use to change their attitude at work to a positive one:

I am grateful for employment because it helps my family and me.

You often hear that being grateful makes a difference. Well, guess what? It does. Your attitude makes a significant difference in your outlook, effort, and quality of work. If you start thinking more gratefully, you will see and start appreciating what you have around. To help you to adopt an attitude of gratitude for work, start with these two steps. Step 1: Create a list of the positive things having steady employment brings to your family and you. Step 2: When you are in a negative situation, spin your mindset and that situation around. Think of the situation and find one thing to be grateful for in the moment.

A positive attitude delivers to me welcomed rewards.

Sometimes when things get really busy or not that positive, we can get sucked into the vacuum of negativity. Sometimes a simple reward can bring your spirits up and lift you out of that dark place. If you have a deadline to meet, no matter what and meeting the deadline seems quite challenging, do yourself a favor and reward yourself. For instance, if you want a new pair of shoes, make your end goal that if you finish this task correctly ahead of time and with a positive attitude, you are going to get yourself a new pair of shoes.

I can meet and overcome my life challenges when I create and have balance in my life.

Make time and room in life for other things besides work; for families, friends, and hobbies. If you want positivity in your life and you’re constantly in a negative mood, you need to create a better balance between work and other good things in your life. Give yourself a bit of time to do the things you enjoy outside of work. It is vital to connect inwardly to your heart’s desires.

I am capable and confident in my abilities to connect with my co-workers – in positive ways – so that we can achieve set company goals together.

Start making friends with your co-workers, team members. Connect with them daily. It’s through that connection that you will begin to see the correlation with positivity and successful teamwork. Do not be the employee who only thinks about coming into work and leaving without connecting with those around you.

I am in charge of changing my thinking.

You may think that you do not have any control over your work environment and that it is a very negative place. But that’s wrong. You have control over your environment and thoughts. In your cubicle, desk, office, plant workspace, or even an area around you and your team, you can try posting up some inspirational quotes. You can also bring and put out some flowers. If this is what it takes to help you create a positive work environment as well as change your thinking, then say, YES and start spreading positive thoughts and love. You have the power to change a negative environment and your thinking, too. You just have to choose to do it.

My smiles and kindness make a big difference.

Smiling can put you and others you interact with, in a good mood. If you’re stressed over something, try to fake it until the emotion/feeling becomes permanent. Just put a smile on your face and repeatedly engage and speak kindly to others. Also, when you’re walking down the hallway, smile at and greet others with positive words. Do not be so engrossed in negative thoughts or gossip while at work. Take a moment and put a smile on your face and kindness in your actions.

In each sentence above, there is empowerment and the inspiration to help you untie the knots of negative thinking. Once you change your thoughts and get those knots out of your communication and behavior, you will begin to see yourself and the world around you from a much more positive and productive position. Begin to use and apply these sentences for 60 days, without disruption or distraction, and come back to this website and article page to let me know what differences you experience.

Attitude is everything! Every thought, emotion, word, and engagement you bring to and use inside your workplace counts.


Positive Thinking Greetings! Is there anything positive you’d like to contribute to this article to help our readers? Please feel free to share your input by commenting below. Thank you in advance for sharing.

About the Author:  Ty Howard,
Founder, CEO, and Editor in Chief of MOTIVATION magazine

Ty Howard is an organizational development consultant and executive and manager development coach. He’s an internationally recognized authority on personal, professional, relationships and success habits development. He is the creator and lead facilitator of the trademarked Untie the Knots® Process, and the author of the best-selling book Untie the Knots® That Tie Up Your Life: A Practical Guide to Freeing Yourself from Toxic Habits, Choices, People, and Relationships, as well as dozens of published articles on relationships, healthy habits development, empowerment and peak performance worldwide.

For information on the author click on the following link:  
Ty Howard.