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Finding and Creating Jobs
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Finding and Creating Jobs - Article on MOTIVATION magazine by Harvey Alston

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Never say Never and Don't Give Up!

If you are turned down from an opportunity for the standard reasons, "You don't have any experience"; "You are overqualified"; and "This is not a good fit for you," don't give up. Ask the interviewer questions such as, "What positions do you have?" "Do you know of any other opportunities?" or "Would you recommend anyone that has other opportunities or positions?"

A few days after the interview write that interviewer a little note saying, "Thanks so much, I really appreciated your time"; "Sorry that it didn't turn out like I had hoped, but could you give me some advice?" or "If I had to do the interview over again, could you point out to me how I can make any improvements so that the next time I am interviewed, I can do a better job?" If you don't get any feedback, don't worry about it. Most interviewers won't tell you the real reasons you didn't get the job. Companies are afraid of being sued for confidentiality. No matter how obnoxious you are in the interview, employers will not share some information with you because they are afraid that you will turn around and use their information against them. You have to be the type of person who is willing to say to the employer, "I'm going on down the road, but please help me. Show me what I have done that is wrong." A good, honest person might share their thoughts with you that may help you the next time. So, go to every interview you possibly can, do the best you possibly can in those areas, and ask for an opportunity.


Leaders Create Their Own Jobs

A young man, who used to be a radio personality, came to me and asked for a job in marketing. I didn't have a company that had any openings in marketing and I didn't know of any companies with openings in just marketing. As I talked to him for a minute, it was clear that all he wanted was a job in marketing with no clear specifics in the area. Usually the job titles are more specific in the "type" of area of marketing.

Jobs or careers that you would like to do just don't pop up and say "Honey You're Home". You can go online, search the web, and fill out one hundred applications and the response you will get is, "We have all types of applicants with degrees in marketing who can't find jobs, because it's a tight field right now." Leaders create their own jobs by marketing the best product they have—themselves.

Let me give you an example. A man was unemployed and told me, "I'll take a job in anything". His unemployment benefits had run out and he would take any job. I said, "Let me show you how to create a job. First, find a job, any job, and start out working as an employee. As an employee you show the people how you can increase sales by using your marketing skills, and they'll promote you to the next level. Then do the best job you can at the next level. Keep moving up the ladder from employee to crew leader, from crew leader to shift manager, from shift manager to manager. Consider if, while you're managing the store, you can show the owners or the leaders of the corporation your marketing skills to increase sales. If you can 'Show Me the Money' and how your store did a better job than other stores, now is the time to ask to be the vice president of marketing. You have proven that your local store marketing techniques have been able to increase sales time and time again. Then they'll have to promote you. When you go back and say you want that job in marketing, they'll give you that job in marketing. They'd be crazy not to. Look at what you've done. You've created an opportunity for yourself. You have proven that you could do the job.

If you have confidence in your greatness, then you can start on any level. In no time at all you will have the career you want. Now, go out and plan your work, then work your plan.

About the Author: Harvey Alston

Harvey Alston is considered one of the most dynamic, “high octane” speakers in America. Harvey Alston has been a full-time speaker since 1989. He has spoken to millions of people throughout the United States who have benefited not only from his knowledge, but also from the wisdom that Harvey Alston brings to the finish line.

Harvey Alston’s unforgettable words of individual responsibility for achievement have improved spirits, spurred growth, and changed lives. His powerful, soul-searching presentations uplift audiences to a higher standard, and to a level where they strive only for the best. Harvey Alston believes in solitary achievement, shared accomplishment and the dignity of human beings.


Click the following link to learn more about: Harvey Alston


The MOTIVATION 'Key Takeaways' for this article:

Finding and Creating Jobs

If you have confidence in your greatness, then you can start on any level. In no time at all you will have the career you want. Here's how you can intentionally make that happen for you:

1) Never Say Never and Don't Give Up! Keep applying for and interviewing for a job until you're hired.

2) Ask the interviewer questions, and for other opportunities, if necessary.

3) Always send the interviewer a "Thank You Note," and ask where can you improve, if necessary.

4) Remember, Leaders create their own jobs. Make it your intentions to go out and develop your skills and yourself in such a way that you'll never again not be employed or able to land your dream career.


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